Hi there, my name is Joe Fields. Before I tell you a bit about me – I want to thank you for visiting my site. I hope you get a lot of value out of it and I hope it inspires you to take the next steps toward lowering your energy bills and becoming more energy independent like I have.

Years ago I used to think alternative energy devices like solar panels and wind turbines were way too expensive for me and my family. However, after years of dreaming about lowering my energy bills with solar panels or a residential wind turbine – I finally found a way that I could easily afford a full solar panel system. …I built my own!

It sounds hard and expensive, right? But the truth is …that couldn’t be further from the truth. I have no real electrical, building, or technical experience (I have a 9-5 desk job) but I found a solid course to build and use my own solar panels and I haven’t looked back since.

I started small with a couple solar panels …saw the great benefits within the 1st week …and now I’ve got a full system. Basically, when you want to increase the output of your solar panel system you just build another solar panel and connect it to the others.

The best part about this is:

  1. I have significantly lowered my energy bills
  2. I’ve reduced my dependence on the energy companies,
  3. I’m living a greener more self-sufficient life,
  4. and I’m in control and have the peace of mind knowing that I can make my home’s power when I want.

And that’s what this site is about! To show you how I did it and hopefully inspire you to do the same! It’s a wonderful feeling when you actually do start experiencing all of the positive benefits of being able to produce your own energy at home while also lowering your energy bills. Once this happens, I guarantee you’ll never look back and you’ll wish you would have done this years ago!

I hope you enjoy my site. I appreciate you visiting and I hope I can provide you with some real valuable information and help getting started.

– Joe Fields